New England Coastal BIrds

New England Coastal BIrds

Sunday, October 6, 2024


       For the last few summers, the shoreline at Brenton Point in Newport, Rhode Island has hosted a few King Eiders. This has been occurring in July and August months that you would think would be the least productive for such an uncommon sea duck. A few summers ago, three King Eiders spent the summer; they were sub-adult hens and drakes. The hens were very cooperative feeding directly below your feet along the sea wall. The drake you had t work for a little bit by walking out on the rocks to et closer for photos. Once you were close, he completely ignored you! Also for a couple of the past few years, adult drake King Eiders were present along the Rhode Island coast in late winter and early spring.

       One of the hen King Eiders from the sea wall at Brenton Point-

                                          A few images of the sub-adult drake King Eider-

          This adult drake King Eider spent most of the late winter and early spring in the breachway at Weekapaug Point, Rhode Island- 


           A pair of King Eider decoys I made. One of my favorite species of waterfowl to carve- 

                           One more part to this mini-blog which will follow.....than Alaska birding will begin.