Monday, November 7, 2011

Upcoming November Pelagics

      There are two upcoming November Pelagic trips.  Jen and I are signed up for this Saturday's BBC Pelagic on the Helen H out of Hyannis Harbor. This trip will be going out and beyond Nantucket Shoals with target species being Sea ducks, Fulmars, Shearwaters, Gulls, Jaegers, and of course Alcids and my target species: Black-legged Kittiwakes. The following Saturday I will be going on the Rhode Island Pelagic trip out of Point Judith to the cod fishing grounds south of Block Island to Coxes Ledge and the Mud Hole. 

    Hopefully (the weather will cooperate) and I will have two excellent reports to post, so please check back. Because it may be a week or two before I can (hopefully) post the reports,  I  decided to post some of the highlight images I photographed over this past year. These are among my favorite photos, with favorite species, from special locations. I hope you enjoy them!

Part 1-

                                           Iceland Gull (first cycle)- New Haven Harbor

                  Common Murre- First CT Record, Hammonasset State Park, Meigs Point

                                  Black-headed Gull- Shell Beach, Guilford, CT

                                  Northern Fulmar, Coxes Ledge, Rhode Island

                                        Pomarine Jaeger- Coxes Ledge, Rhode Island

                                                            Black Duck hen

                        Common Loon juvenile-Macmillan Pier, Provincetown, Mass.

                            Thick-billed Murre- Chatham Fish Pier, Chatham, Mass.

                                                            Black Duck drake

                                                     Common Eider drake

                         Northern Eider hen (ssp.- S. m. borealis) Fort Wetherill, Jamestown, R.I.

 Herring Gull with large Quahaug (which ended up cracking someone's windshield), Jamestown, R.I.

                                   Pintail drake- Oyster River, West Haven, CT

                         Black Guillemot with Sandworm- Fort Wetherill, Jamestown, R.I.

Pintail pair-Oyster River

                                Peregrine Falcon-Hammonasset State Park

                                Gannet-First Encounter Beach, Orleans, Mass

                                    Oldsquaw female- West Haven, CT

                                      Iceland Gull- Galilee Fish Pier, Galilee, R.I

                              Bonaparte's Gulls- Penfield Reef, Southport, CT

                         Lesser Black-backed Gull- Long Beach Park, Stratford, CT

Common Scoters- Brenton Point, Newport, R.I.

                         Common Eiders- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                 Red-tailed Hawk- Beavertail Point Park, Jamestwon, R.I.

                                Red-tailed Hawk- Sachuest Point NWR, Middletown, R.I.

                          Eastern Towhee male- my yard, Killingworth, CT

                 Iceland Gull (second winter)- Hammonasset State Park, Meigs Point

                                          Blue Geese- Whites Farm, Durham, CT

                                      Yellow-legged Gull- Hyannis, Mass

                 Red-breasted Merganser drake, Middle Beach, Madison, CT

                                                      Yellow-legged Gull

                            Common Murre and Razorbills- East of Block Island, Rhode Island

                     Bonaparte's Gulls- Seaside Park, Bridgeport, CT

                              Iceland Gull- New Haven Harbor, New Haven, CT

                     Glaucous Gull (third winter)- Hampton Harbor, Hampton, N.H.

                                      Greater Shearwater-Stellwagen Bank

                       Northern Shoveler drake- Short Beach, Stratford, CT

                     "Ipswich" Savannah Sparrow- Third beach, Middletown, CT

                            Tree Sparrow- Third Beach, Middletown, R.I.

                                 American Pipit- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                Harlequin Ducks- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                    Adult Iceland Gull- Long Beach, Stratford, CT
                                                        Common Eiders

                                             Horned Lark- Hammonasset State Park

                            Lapland Longspurs with Horned Lark- Hammonasset State Park

                               Gannet- Meigs Point Jetty, Hammonasset State Park

                                    Hudsonian Godwit- Hammonasset State Park

                                        Cattle Egret- Hammonasset State Park

                                               Black-headed Gull- Shell Beach

                         Razorbills- First Encounter Beach, Orleans, Mass

                         White-winged Scoter hen- Rock Harbor, Dennis, Mass.

                                            Razorbills- First Encounter Beach

                         Short-eared Owl in a snowstorm- Hammonasset State Park

                         Purple Sandpiper- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                   Common Eiders and Dunlin- First Encounter Beach

                                         Gannet- First Encounter Beach

 Common Loon juvenile (above) and with adult (below)- Welfleet Harbor, Welfleet, Mass.

                              Thick-billed Murre- Chatham Fish Pier, Chatham, Mass.

                            Green-tailed Towhee- Third Beach, Middletown, R.I.

                                Stage Harbor sunset- Chatham, Mass.

                            Tree Swallows- Meigs Point, Hammonasset State Park

                         Iceland Gull (first cycle)- Long Wharf, New Haven, CT

                          Red-necked Grebe- Sandwich Basin, Sandwich, Mass.

                               Purple Sandpipers- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                       Fox Sparrow- my yard, Killingworth, CT

                                 Northern Fulmar (blue phase) Stellwagen Bank

                             Red-necked Grebe (with scalloping boat reflection)

                                                   Barnacle Goose- Westport, CT

                                                        Common Loon

                                                         Purple Sandpiper

                                  Common Eider drake feeding on mussels (underwater)

                               Purple Sandpipers- Beavertail Point, Jamestown, R.I.

                                 Common Eider pair in the afternoon sun

                                Red-throated Loon- Welfleet Harbor, Welfleet, Mass.

                     Sandhill Crane pair- the Upper Peninsula Michigan, Marquette

                                         Bald Eagles- Monhegan Island, Maine

                         "Ipswich" Savannah Sparrow- Third Beach, Middletown, Mass.

                            Razorbill juvenile- Welfleet Harbor, Welfleet, Mass.

                        American Wigeon and European Wigeon drakes- Bridgeport Harbor

                                Black-headed Gull- Lost Lake outpouring, Guilford, CT

                           Eastern Towhee females- my yard, Killingworth, CT

                                   Snow Buntings- Hammonasset State Park

                               ...............with a Lapland Longspur (above)

Red-breasted Merganser hen (looks like an awkward preening pose to me)!

Watch for Part 2!

Keith Mueller         Killingworth, CT